Thursday, June 25, 2009

Towel Twins

Apparently Mila and Nolan stole one of mommy's white towels while she was in the play room folding laundry...check out this clip of them being plain silly.

I also caught a quick clip of Mila and Nolan dancing to Paul and the gang at the Lee wedding last week.

Oh man, I'm lovin' the video on the iPhone 3G(s)!


Audrey Gordon said...

The babies think something over one's head is an open invitation for the other to come and get 'em! It's great fun for all. It all started with their love of "peek-a-boo!"

Grandma Audrey

Laura Jean said...

haha that is AWESOME! Looks like they have lots of fun together! LOVED the video of them dancing too- they've really got some moves?? Who'd they get those from? lol