Thursday, February 19, 2009

One Year Old!

Mila and Nolan turned 1 year old on February 4th. Kari and I have been so blessed in the last year. Because Kari is tough and God is good they only came 11 days early and were very healthy. Our family has grown exponentially and so has our faith. We've learned and are learning so much as parents each day.

On Mila and Nolan's birthday Kari and Grandma Audrey went to story time at the library. After the babies had their nap I came home early from work and we went downtown to some of our favorite locations: Greenbaum's, Gymboree, Picture People, and Venti's Cafe.

Kari had some coupon making a quick photo shoot at Picture People worth the effort and then the babies enjoyed rice and black beans for dinner at Uncle Dino's restaurant. After our adventure downtown we came home and the babies got to "open" their presents.

It was a fun day full of family time.

Story time and birthday shirts!
Nolan loves to give kisses.
Grandma Audrey helped with story time.Getting geared up for the downtown journey.Nolan's presents.Mila's presents.

1 comment:

Mindi said...

Such cute birthday outfits! We'll have to go to story time together...Boone loved it when we went. He couldn't stop staring at everyone. :)