Tuesday, July 14, 2009

New blog!

A couple months ago I started a new "mama blog." (Which is why this blog has been pretty dry). I have been thinking about starting a new blog for quite awhile and it has been pretty fun. It covers things like couponing, freebies, organization, twin and kid topics, food, natural parenting, creative play, sewing and crafts and who knows what else. So far it is largely about coupons, freebies, and learning how to save money. There are also some updates about the kiddos with pictures here and there.

Thus far I have included less specific personal information (like the kiddos names etc) until I decide exactly how much I want to put out there. At some point we might even go private on this site . After doing a Google search of my name and having a picture of my 9 mo. prego with twins body popping up, I wondered if I was comfortable with that. We will see what happens and I will keep y'all posted.

Please pop over and visit TwinMamaLoves.com. More features will be added soon and the option to "Follow" or something similar will be available. If you are feeling extra generous you could even add my new blog link to your "Blogroll" of friends on the side of your blog.


Tammy Bowers said...

Cute pictures. I understand about privacy. Your kid's names are at the top of your blog though, so you might want to delete them if you want to make this more private.

DoubleVentiLatte said...

Thanks Tammy. Yup, you are right about having our our names plastered all over this blog. It is mainly the new blog I am trying make changes in what I put out since it has a more wide spread audience, readers, and visitors. If we do decide that we don't want this info out there the only option would be to make it private (or go through and edit every single post). We were already thinking about making a new banner for the top.....this might be the time.

Although this blog links to my new blog, my new blog does not contain any links to this blog. I will keep you updated if we do go private. Thanks for the comment...we love comments!