Thursday, July 10, 2008

Baby Trading Cards


Age: 6mo 1wk
Weight: 17lb 1oz
Hair: dark brown and sticks straight up

Likes: Grinning, Hot pink (since she was tiny anything that color catches her attention and makes her smile), mirrors, books, catching strangers attention, drinking water from a cup, binkies, grabbing and looking at her clothes before she gets dressed, sucking on her hands, making funny sounds, her brother, her feet and sucking on her toes, rolling, being swaddled

Dislikes: Falling asleep, being strapped into stroller...wants to see, be held, and wiggle

Traits: Fights sleep but wakes up happy, sometimes cries when she realizes she does not recognize who is holding or looking at her, prefers mom to cuddle her when she is really upset, wines and fake cries when she wants attention and makes a complete recovery when someone pays attention to her, hangs her mouth open when she is trying to figure something out.

Wishes she could: Touch everything!

Age: 6mo 1wk
Weight: 16lb 9oz
Hair: Light brown/blond, a little fuzzy with lots of calics

Likes: Jumping up and down in his bouncer, watching TV (we fight him on that one though), his little monkey blanket, binkies, looking at and talking to his hands, standing, thinks its silly when you get him dressed, likes to drink water from cup also, being tickled, watching daddy cook, to laugh and giggle, spitting and blowing bubbles, loves kisses from momma on his cheek, his sister.

Dislikes: Having his nails clipped.

Traits: Ticklish, strong, knows what he wants, silly, pouts with his lip out when gearing up to be sad, cries hard when hungry, usually does not fight sleep but wakes up a little grumpy sometimes, thinks his daddy is the funniest person ever, he is a people watcher.

Wishes he could: Crawl


cjvandenbos said...

So cute! You guys are so brave...I can't even imagine having 2!! What great parents you guys are.

Paul and Ashley Hynes said...

So adorable! Thanks for the update on your little fam! Love you all.

Jim, Brea, Annabelle and Evelyn said...

Man they're getting big....can't wait to see them again! They always look so happy :)